Whether a strategic program or a tactical project, such activities fall outside normal BAU operations and draw staff away from their standard business focussed activities. Our Project Management practice is here to help you ensure the maximum return on the investment you have made in any such undertaking.
Projects by their very nature introduce change which, in turn, carries risk. With over 100 years of combined experience in delivering solutions in IT environments our Practice Leaders and Consultants minimise this risk by ensuring they are up to speed on latest best practice gained from the most recent qualifications, and combining this with decades of real life experience and the application of sound business principals and common sense.
Every project is unique in some way and it is, therefore, important that our consultants invest time in fully understanding your business needs and previous practice so that we can learn from your experience in your environment in addition to applying lessons learned from previous projects. This will enable the project to be specifically tailored to suit your business, the size and complexity of the project and the skills of wider project team.
ICS understands the need to minimise risk and maximise the benefits delivered from any form of investment and our practice consultants can assist in the following areas:
Project Scoping
– ensuring a clear set of deliverables are agreed and documented to provide focus throughout the project to avoid wasting valuable resources through scope-creep or dilution.
Initial and Ongoing Business Case Review
– to ensure the project is, and at all times remains, desirable, viable and achievable.
Project Team
– assisting in selection of key personnel including, where necessary, members of the Project Board.
Benefits Management Approach
– agreeing the mechanisms and processes by which the improvements delivered by the project outputs will be measured
– creating and embedding change process and other forms of control to ensure the project remains within the key tolerances of; Quality, Time, Cost, Scope, Risk and Benefit.