Supplier & Service Management Services

Supplier & Service Management

Supplier selection, RFP/ITT development & management
Vendor Contracting & Management
Delivery/Service Management

Our Supplier & Service Management Practice

No-one understands your business as well as you so we recognise that one of the biggest decisions you can make is to outsource the activities of carefully selected business support functions.
With long experience and detailed knowledge of both providing and receiving outsourced services, ICS consultants are ideally placed to add value throughout the process lifecycle.
Prior to project commencement it is vital that ICS consultants work within your business to fully understand the reasons for, and the key objectives of, the outsource to ensure they can add value in the following stages of the process;
Market Research – selecting suitable providers for your specific needs and summarising the key strengths and weaknesses of each potential supplier 

RFI Preparation & Evaluation – ensuring that those selected to participate are cognisant of your requirements and are capable of delivering them

Service Level Definition Workshops – establishing the appropriate priority definitions, service levels and KPIs for affected areas of your business

ITT Preparation – to support you in ensuring all aspects of your requirements are covered from both a commercial and service perspective

Q&A Sessions – giving each potential supplier the opportunity to obtain the relevant information in the format they require to ensure they can provide you with the most favourable and accurate response possible

ITT Response Assessment – resulting in a shortlist of preferred suppliers
Commercial Negotiations – using experience from both sides of the equation to maximise potential value and de-risk contractual agreements

Service Transition - oversight and/or management to ensure agreed services become actual services while minimising business impact

Ongoing Service and/or Supplier Management – underwriting the transition of promised services to BAU, Service Level Management and the pursuit of Continuous Service Improvement.
To find out how we can help you maximise the benefits and minimise the risks from your outsourcing projects, contact ICS for a no obligation and confidential discussion with our Service and Supplier Management Practice Leader. 

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