In our experience, Businesses often have significant additional workload in a particular department which requires a short term increase in manpower, or perhaps a particular expertise required.
In response to this, ICS has developed a range of Augmentation Services that can be called upon to meet these additional peaks - thereby providing an on-demand extension to a Client's existing operations. Via this model, a Client can operate more efficiently, with staffing levels only needing to cater for the 'norms' rather than the 'peaks'.
We have a unique on-demand model, based on an informed prior interaction with the Client, enabling us to understand their business, their future plans and strategic direction - thereby providing a bespoke partnership offering.
The Augmentation Services are provided on a retainer basis, whereby ICS work with the Client at the inception stage to both meet with and understand the Client's operations that are to be supported. This enables ICS to be that known extension of the Client's operation, and thereby ready to engage effectively and timely to a required provision when it occurs.